Manoel Island kienet l-adventure playground tagħna
Nixtieq nara ġnien
sabiħ mimli fjuri
Niftakar ir-riħa ta’ ħobż frisk,
ta’ seaweed, ta’ rizzi, ta’ gambli
u ta’ baħar - illum ma xxommhiex
A proper enforcement of environmental and civic rules is needed
Qabel, tħares minn fejn tħares, mill-Gżira kont tara l-baħar
Before, no matter where you looked, from Gżira you could see the sea
Il-baħar, il-ġnien u l-Manoel Island jifformaw ir-ruħ tal-Gżira: l-unika postijiet fejn iħalluk tħares u tara l-ftuħ
The sea, the garden and Manoel Island form Gżira's soul: the only places that let you experience a sense of openness
The sea attracts you
Il-baħar jiġbdek
Il-Gżira mimlija kulturi differenti u nisimgħu lingwi differenti
Ix-xatt huwa post ta’ soċjalizzazzjoni, imma huwa biċċa oħra mitlufa, ipprivatizzat
Gżira is full of different cultures and we hear different languages
The seafront is a place of socialisation, but it is another place lost, privatised
Nibża’ li t-Teatru Orpheum ħa jkun xi ħaġa tal-passat
Gżira reached a point of no return
Il-Manoel Island imisshom jagħmluha adventure park u cultural hub – issir creative island
The new developments are so high that we shall soon begin to wonder if the sun has risen
Tant qed jibnu għoli, li għada, pitgħada, daqt nibdew nistaqsu jekk ħarġitx ix-xemx
I'm concerned that the Orpheum Theatre will be a thing of the past
I remember the smell of fresh bread, seaweed,
sea urchins, shrimps and the
sea - today you don't smell any
Jinħtieġ infurzar tar-regoli ambjentali u ċiviċi
Manoel Island used to be
our adventure playground
I would love to see a beautiful
garden full of flowers
Il-Gżira fil-futur ma tantx tidher sabiħa
Gżira in the future does not look very beautiful
L-Orpheum Theatre jmissu jsir ċentru
u hub kulturali
The Orpheum Theatre should become a regional hub and a cultural centre
Il-Gżira waslet f'punt li qatt ma nistgħu nirritornaw minnu
Manoel Island should become an adventure park and a cultural hub - a creative island